Tuesday 23 July 2013


                                                 WELCOME TO SEMPORNA. . . .!!!

           The British North Borneo Company  who is found semporna.. The company which is established Sandakan, and initially settled by Chinese traders, most fleeing from Spanish attack on the Sulu Sultanate. for you information, the name Semporna means place of rest (as in Sanskrit "sampoorna" meaning accomplishment. and British was give quelled resistance from the local Bajaus in the mid 1880 . The name of the place  changing  from Tong Talun. This place also famous because of four admirals who is  Panglima Kabogan, Panglima Bum-Bum, Panglima Simunul and Panglima Abdullah . All people in semporna believe that Semporna was founded by these admirals. Others, many Sempornian also said the real leader is Panglima Jamaludin Bin Ajibudin. Semporna is on the popular places not only in Malaysia. But it is also popular in the around the world. Every every, the percentages of the tourist come to visit this place are increase. 

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